This photo of Fawcett, I remember, hanging in my dorm room. There’s an old Polaroid of it somewhere. I believe it was 1981. I was a Freshman at Hastings College in Hastings, NE. I don’t think I ever thought I would get to meet Farrah at that time. I’ve started reading Alana’s book and account of her time with Fawcett. The foreword is very touching. Alan struggled with this book and her interview on the Today show (with Meredith V.) about the book is touching. Alana “get’s it” and is respectful and honest and forthright (seemingly so) about the relationship and the “why’s” of her choice and struggle throughout Farrah’s battle. In spite and despite some of the negative press circling Alana and Ryan O’Neal, the reality is: Farrah loved who she loved and in the end, I find it hard to believe or understand why she’d keep those close to her when she needed the most support of all if there wasn’t an underlying love for those around here. I’m not speculating about romantic love, just a love in general. At any rate, it’s still a little strange to think that Fawcett’s gone. Alana said she wants the book to be a tribute to friendship. I think she achieved that goal. I also, deeply, respect Alana’s choice to stop writing about Fawcett dying. That speaks volumes about the depth of her respect and love for Farrah.